

Day 1 - 6 June   
12:30 13:30 Registration of Participants    
13:30 13:45 Welcome letter by Mario Palma, President of IAOS
Dominik Rozkrut, President of Statistics Poland
13:45 15:15 Opening session    
13:45 14:30 Dominik Rozkrut (Statistics Poland) Strategic partnership of Statistics Poland presentation 
14:30 15:15 Jagdev Singh Virdee (VCS Ltd, United Kingdom) TBC presentation
15:15 15:45 Coffee break    
15:45 17:45 Session 1 - SCORUS - the forum where  researchers, policy makers and statisticians meet Chair: Dominika Rogalińska (Statistics Poland)  
15:45 16:05 Teodora Brandmueller (Eurostat) New needs, new scale, new statistics - Future prospects of European City statistics presentation
16:05 16:25 Richard Prothero, Hayley Holgate
(Office for National Statistics, UK)
ONS/OS discovery work on geographical analysis presentation
16:25 16:45 Alexander Lembcke (OECD, France) Does FDI benefit incumbent SMEs? FDI spillovers and competition effects at the local level presentation
16:45 17:05 Marek Pieniążek (Statistics Poland) Monitoring system as an integrative multiscale statistical platform presentation
17:05 17:25 Grażyna Trzpiot, Jacek Szołtysek
(University of Economics in Katowice, Poland)
Safety of the elderly in smart city presentation
18:00 20:00 Welcome Reception at the invitation of President of Statistics Poland    
Day 2 - 7 June   
9:30 11:00 Session 2 - New Scale, New Statistics - Focus on  Cities Chair:  Oliver Müller (Eurostat)  
9:30 9:50 Ana Moreno Monroy, Paolo Veneri (OECD, France) Defining the economic boundaries of cities. A global application presentation
9:50 10:10 Marie-Pierre de Bellefon (Insee, France) A scenario for the new French Urban Areas Zoning presentation
10:10 10:30 Dorota Mantey (University of Warsaw, Poland) Public spaces in the context of planning and statistical reporting (example of Warsaw suburbs) presentation
10:30 10:50 Dorota Stachowiak, Sylwia Filas Przybył, Adam Dąbrowski (Statistical Office in Poznań, Poland) Diversification of the age structure of the Polish urban population presentation 
11:00 11:30 Coffee break    
11:30 13:00 Session 3 - New Scale - functional geographies Chair: Teodora Brandmueller (Eurostat)  
11:30 11:50 Oliver Müller (Eurostat) Territorial classification for European Statistics presentation 
11:50 12:10 Catia Nunes (Statistics Portugal)  Clustering mobility: combining geospatial and statistical data to define metropolitan subareas for the IMOB Survey sampling design presentation
12:10 12:30 Luisa Franconi, Daniela Ichim
(Italian National Institute of Statistics)
Labour market areas delineation: research in dealing with extreme cases presentation
12:30 12:50 Mike Coombes, Colin Wymer;  José M. Casado-Díaz; Dr. Lucas Martínez-Bernabeu (Centre for Urban & Regional Development Studies, UK) Labour Market Areas: the challenge of meeting policy and statistical requirements presentation
13:00 14:00 Lunch    
14:00 15:50 Session 4 - New Needs Chair: Jagdev Virdee  
14:00 14:20 Balazs Kotosz, Imre Lengyel (University of Szeged, Hungary) Data related methodological challenges of regional convergence and resilience presentation
14:20 14:40 Klaudia Peszat, Tomasz Zegar (Statistical Office in Warszawa, Poland) Real needs – relevant actions as a key to useful knowledge presentation
14:40 15:00 Jose L. Cervera, Florabela Carausu (DevStat, Spain) Technical assistance in regional statistics to transition and developing countries: lessons learnt from users and producers presentation
15:00 15:20 Monika Wałaszek (Statistical Office in Kraków, Poland) Demand for statistical information in terms of local strategic documents presentation
15:20 15:40 Luisa Franconi, Daniela Ichim (Italian National Institute of Statistics) Rural-urban connectivity and employment characteristics presentation
16:00 18:00 SCORUS administrative meeting     
Day 3 - 8 June   
9:30 11:00 Session 5 - New Statistics - GIS Chair: Janusz Dygaszewicz (Statistics Poland)  
9:30 9:50 Ricarto Barranco (JRC, Italy) Data and Methods for Territorial Modelling: LUISA case study presentation
9:50 10:10 Idriz Shala (Agency of Statistics, Republic of Kosovo) Integration of statistics and geospatial information at Kosovo Agency of Statistics presentation
10:10 10:30 Igor Kuzma (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia) Geospatial challenges of income and health statistics presentation
10:30 10:50 Tobias Link (KOSIS-Gemeinschaft Urban Audit, Germany) Measuring the length of urban cycle networks using OSM data  
11:00 11:30 Coffee break    
11:30 12:30 Session 6 - New Statistics - focus on urban-rural characteristics Chair: Alexander Lembcke (OECD)  
11:30 11:50 Tomasz Klimanek, Tomasz Józefowski, Grzegorz Grygiel, Łukasz Wawrowski (Statistical Office in Poznań, Poland) Mapping poverty for the agglomeration of Poznań using methods of indirect estimation presentation
11:50 12:10 Beata Bal-Domańska, Robert Buciak (Statistics Poland) Urban and rural revitalization in Poland – survey results presentation
12:10 12:30 Włodzimierz Okrasa (Statistics Poland) The Measurement Aspects of Community Well-Being Research: A Urban-Rural 'Spatial Justice' Perspective presentation
12:30 13:00 Closing Session - President of Statistics Poland (Chairs 1-6)    

New Scale – New Needs – New Statistics


We live in era of dynamic changes occurring in various fields of social and economic activity. In these circumstances the role of statistics is to understand new phenomena, to identify information needs in dialogue with users, as well as to transform statistical production process in order to provide most relevant statistics.

Statistics Poland celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2018. Our history makes us think about future vision of regional and urban statistics. We hope that SCORUS 2018 will be the platform for sharing knowledge and inspiring ideas.





This session is dedicated to discussing changes of the scale with particular focus on:

-     space

-     economy

-     society

-     natural environment

Session topics might include issues related to:

  • New Places and Territories – How we should define a spatial unit?  Which typologies work? How we define functional geographies like labour market areas?
  • Networks, flows and relationships – What kind of networks and flows can we observe? What is the potential of mobile phone data and other unconventional data?
    How can we observe cross border flows?
  • Coordination – Which strategies can be used for thematic and geographical standardisation between the administrative levels?
  • Territorial Capital – growth of local potential:

                 -  new aspects of economy and social cooperation.
                 -  new forms of flows (capital, goods, etc.).

  • Growth and Development – Which trend can we observe? Is it growth or development? What are the current trends in urbanisation? What are the new determinants of development at the local level and what is their scale? 


This session will focus on discussing new concepts and directions for development in the context of modern space management and the resulting information needs.

Session topics might include issues related to:

  •  Dialogue and Participation Quadruple Helix – How we can get to know needs of users? What are the forms of dialogue between government, society, business and science?
  • Policies – What are the challenges for statistics related to national, regional and local policies? How can we measure impact and result in different contexts?
  • Territorial Capital – growth of local potential:
        - new aspects of economy and social cooperation.
        - new forms of flows (capital, goods, etc.).
  • Dissemination, communication  and knowledge Transfer - How to disseminate and transfer information for different groups of data users and share knowledge?
This session will be a statistics respond for rapidly changing information needs, using modern methods and forms.

Session topics might include issues related to:

  • Innovative Methods and Tools What are the new methods and tools used in spatial analysis? What are the new ways of using GIS? How to use small area estimations?
  • Data Sources How to produce urban and regional statistics from mass and diverse sets (Big Data) using advanced processing tools and technologies?  How to use administrative data?


The SCORUS 2018 conference is foreseen to start on 6 June 2018 at  13.00 and finish on 8 June 2018 at approximately 13.00 

Submitting presentations and  Abstracts


General guidelines for submitting presentations and abstracts:
  • The official language of the SCORUS 2018 conference is English; all abstracts should be written in English.
  • The deadline for submitting abstracts and presentations you will find here: Registration and deadlines
  • Authors are requested to use the official conference template and send their presentations to the e-mail address:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Standing Committee on Regional and Urban Statistics

SCORUS (Standing Committee on Regional and Urban Statistics) is the international network for regional and urban statistics providing a platform to facilitate the development of urban and regional statistics and research.

SCORUS's mission is to stimulate and organise a worldwide dialogue on urban and regional research and statistics and to promote in-depth statistical analyses with the aim to contribute to progress in this field and to improve the understanding of urban and regional phenomena as well as the comparability of concepts and results. SCORUS aims to enhance the knowledge created for urban and regional policy.

SCORUS is a committee of the International Association of Official Statistics (IAOS), which is an association of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).

To become a member of SCORUS all you have to do is to join IAOS. Visit this link (http://isi.cbs.nl/iaos-form.asp)and follow the instructions

For further information on SCORUS visit the website: http://scorus.org/index.php/home/
